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Amanda Hunt - February 14, 2019

Workshop Playlist:  Love All ways

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A little known fact about me....

Before I was a jeweler, I was a dance teacher.

For 12 years I made playlists every week for my classes. Depending on the season or the feeling I wanted to evoke, I would choose the songs accordingly. I loved that part of the job, and I feel like I got pretty good at it after a while. I honed some serious skills on how to make a good musical arc and how to create a consistent tone and mood through music.

When I stopped teaching I missed this weekly musical meditation journey I used to go on. So I am bringing this back in a little way on my Spotify. .

Follow me on Spotify to hear my collection playlists and my current workshop tunes!

Here's a little soundtrack I made for Valentine's Day called Love, All Ways...